vineri, 30 decembrie 2011
joi, 29 decembrie 2011
marți, 20 decembrie 2011
miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011
Tu plutesti... de Nichita Stănescu
Tu plutesti ca un vis de noapte
deasupra sufletului meu.
Iti sprijini tampla
de inima mea ca de o piatra rosie,
si astepti sa-ti spun numele
tuturor lucrurilor
pe care eu am ispravit demult
sa ti le mai spun.
Gura mea e-n tacerea cea mai desavarsita,
inclinata ca matasea unui steag
intr-o zi fara vant.
O, nu pleca nicaieri!
Imi voi rupe inima cu un singur gest
al mainii,ca sa rasara durerea care stie
numele durerii,
ca sa rasara dragostea mea de barbat
care stie numele tau ciudat, de femeie!
luni, 12 decembrie 2011
pentru tine
Cand ii striga "Pleaca!" ar fi vrut ca el sa auda doar ce spunea inima: "Sufletul meu, stai langa mine, nu ma lasa singura, as fi atat de trista..." Insa orgoliul are vocea mai puternica decat dragostea.
Daca am sti ca acele dati cand ii vedem iesind pe usa pe cei dragi, ar fi ultimele, ce am face? Le-am da o imbratisare si un sarut si i-am chema inapoi ca sa le dam mai multe. Le-am spune ca-i iubim fara sa ne asumam in mod prostesc gandul ca deja stiu ce simtim pentru ei.
Astazi m-am trezit trista pentru ca regret ziua de ieri. Am pierdut ore nespus de lungi fara sa-ti spun cat de mult te iubesc si cata nevoie am de imbratisarile tale. Sunt fericita ca pot sa-ti scriu aici cat de important esti pentru mine. Cand spun dragoste si fericire, vad chipul tau. Cand simt caldura stiu ca sunt in bratele tale. Cand inchid ochii, stiu ca urmeaza cel mai dulce sarut...
vineri, 9 decembrie 2011
love story
Stiu ca si alti indragostiti traiesc aceleasi sentimente ca mine, dar mi se pare ireal sa fii atat de fericit! Sa te gandesti la jumatatea ta, sa privesti fotografii cu zambete, imbratisari si sarutari minunate si sa plangi de fericire. Visele chiar pot deveni realitate si el este visul meu implinit, mai mult decat mi-am imaginat vreodata ca mi-ar putea darui viata. Il iubesc in fiecare zi mai mult pentru imi aduce soare in privire!
joi, 8 decembrie 2011
101 povesti despre iubire, viata, fericire
O foarte buna prietena mi-a recomandat un articol. Cand l-am deschis nu stiam ca imi va ravasi sufletul in doar cateva secunde. Nu sunt doar povesti de viata ci sensul vietii insasi - puterea dragostei si lumina sufletelor care stiu cu adevarat sa traiasca si sa se bucure de orice lucru marunt. Il impart cu voi pentru ca sigur va va face sa zambiti dupa ce va veti sterge lacrimile. 101 Short Stories that Will Leave You Smiling, Crying and Thinking :
Since its inception eighteen months ago, our sister site Makes Me Think (MMT) has truly evolved into a remarkable online community. Every day, users share their thought-provoking life stories and vote on stories that other users have shared. Some are happy, some are sad, and others twist your emotions, pulling them in several directions at once.As stated on the MMT About page, sometimes the most random everyday encounters force us to stop and rethink the truths and perceptions we have ingrained in our minds. These encounters are educationally priceless. They spawn moments of deep thought and self-reflection that challenge the status quo and help us evolve as sensible individuals.I believe the 101 stories listed below perfectly fulfill that description. Of the thousands of stories that have been submitted to MMT in the last eighteen months, these are my personal favorites.What do you think?
- Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn’t recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said, “On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.” MMT
- Today, at the age of 70, my grandfather graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in business studies. He’s been a successful business owner most of his life, but he told me he earned his degree to fulfill a promise he made to his mother before she lost her battle with cancer 50 years ago. MMT
- Today, my mom is a healthy 54 year old who successfully owns and operates a popular bakery downtown – a goal she had all her life. 15 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. In the face of death, she quit her store clerk job, opened the bakery, started chemo therapy, and succeeded on all fronts. MMT
- Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face. MMT
- Today, as a young ‘up and coming’ lawyer, everyone in the firm was congratulating me for winning my first big case this morning. And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicality in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man. MMT
- Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, “I only wish I had met you sooner.” MMT
- Today, after 2 years of separation, my ex-wife and I resolved our differences and met for dinner. We laughed and chatted for almost 4 hours. Then just before she left, she handed me a large envelope. In it were 20 love letters she wrote me over the last 2 years. There was a post-it note on the envelope that said, “Letters I was too stubborn to send.” MMT
- Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught me before I slammed my head on the ground. He said, “Believe it or not, that’s almost exactly how I injured my back 3 years ago.” MMT
- Today, someone else’s tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for. Thanks to this stranger, my dad will have a heart. It’s so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life. MMT
- Today marks the ten year anniversary of the day when I slapped him and screamed at him remorselessly for not letting me in the bathroom after we ate breakfast. That moment also marks the positive turning point in my battle with Bulimia. I think he saved my life that day. MMT
- Today at 7AM I woke up feeling ill, but decided I needed the money, so I went in to work. At 3PM I got laid off. On my drive home I got a flat tire. When I went into the trunk for the spare, it was flat too. A man in a BMW pulled over, gave me a ride, we chatted, and then he offered me a job. I start tomorrow. MMT
- Today, I was working in a coffee shop when 2 gay men walked in holding hands. As you might expect, heads started turning. Then a young girl at the table next to me asked her mom why 2 men were holding hands. Her mom replied, “Because they love each other.” MMT
- Today, after the funeral, I went back to my parent’s empty house – the house I grew up in. As I gazed around in awe of all the great memories we made in it, I noticed an old photo of my parent’s in their 20’s sitting on the coffee table. In my father’s handwriting, across the back was written, “In this moment, we were infinite.” MMT
- Today, as I walked away from the airport gate alone with my head held high and eyes beet red from crying, I knew at that moment what it meant to be a military wife. MMT
- Today, a lady walked up to me in the gym and asked me to give her some workout pointers. She said, “You look incredible! Watching you gradually tone-up and progress in here has become my primary inspiration to get in shape.” It made me smile because I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 15. MMT
- Today, my grandpa died. As I was crying and telling my grandma how sorry I was, she said, “Let’s stop being so sad and instead celebrate the 80 wonderful years he was alive… 60 of which he spent with me.” MMT
- Today, as my father, three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mother’s hospital bed, my mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. She simply said, “I feel so loved right now. We should have gotten together like this more often.” MMT
- Today, my richest friend growing up filed for bankruptcy and one of my poorest friends growing up purchased his second vacation home. MMT
- Today, I pulled into a small gas station in the middle of the desert in New Mexico and realized I had left my wallet at my girlfriends house 5 hours away. I had no money and barely enough gas to make it another mile down the road. The only other person that stopped for gas was a burly looking trucker. I was a bit reluctant, but I asked him for some spare change for gas. Instead he filled my tank and said, “Someone did this for me a few years ago.” MMT
- Today, I was all dressed up and waiting on my blind date to arrive. He never showed up. It made me feel ugly. I thought he may have seen me from a distance and bailed. Then as I left the restaurant alone, I heard a little girl ask her mom if I was a princess. It made me smile and it MMT.
- Today, while I was driving my grandfather to his doctor’s appointment, I complained about hitting 2 red lights in a row. My grandfather chuckled and said, “You always complain about the red lights, but you never celebrate the green ones.” MMT
- Today in downtown San Diego, I watched a blue collar Mexican man get harassed for being Mexican. It was a blatant act of discrimination. And the man actually began crying. As he left the office building, he took off his jacket. His t-shirt underneath read, “I love the USA!” MMT
- Today, at a jazz club in San Francisco I saw a man and woman enjoying a drink together. The woman was a dwarf and the man must have been 6 feet tall. Later in the evening they went out onto the dance floor. The man got down on his knees so they could slow dance together. They danced the rest of the night. MMT
- Today, I was the maid of honor in her wedding. Four years ago she was declared cancer free. Eight years ago, during our senior year of college, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and told she had eighteen months to live. MMT
- Today, I received a gigantic gift bag from one of my friends. She said she appreciated me being there for her, and that I am one of her best friends. She is mentally and physically handicapped, and I merely see her for half an hour once per week. MMT
- Today, my close friend died unexpectedly in a car accident. A cab driver saw me crying outside the hospital all alone at 3AM. He stopped, helped me into the cab, drove me to my house 30 miles away and refused to let me pay him. MMT
- Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5 seconds after he passed, I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy. MMT
- Today I met a 90 year old woman at Kinko’s who was getting her passport photo taken so she could go on a Safari in Africa next month for her 91st birthday. MMT
- Today, in the cutest voice, my 8-year-old daughter asked me to start recycling. I chuckled and asked, “Why?” She replied, “So you can help me save the planet.” I chuckled again and asked, “And why do you want to save the planet?” “Because that’s where I keep all my stuff,” she said. MMT
- Today, I am thankful that my family has acquired enough wealth so that my parents can afford to live in their own house and send me and my siblings to college. But I miss the days when we were younger and were all crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment and forced to play board games and eat supper together. MMT
- Today, my father’s mistress saved my mother’s life when she ran into our fire-engulfed house and pulled my mother out to safety two minutes before the roof collapsed. MMT
- Today, at a funeral reception, everyone had something kind to say about the deceased. As they spoke through their tears, many of them admitted that they wish they had told John how wonderful he was before he died. MMT
- Today, after watching a violent horror movie, my little brother abruptly asked my grandfather how he wants to die. “Like the sunset,” my grandfather replied. MMT
- Today, when I witnessed a 27-year-old breast cancer patient laughing hysterically at her 2-year-old daughter’s antics, I suddenly realized that I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebrating it again. MMT
- Today, as they teased me and laughed hysterically, I just wished they could see the world through my eyes. MMT
- Today, as I read my brother’s suicide note, chills ran down my spine because I was horrified by the fact that I could relate to everything he wrote. MMT
- Today, my son and I were in a car accident. I came out of it with just a cut over my eye, but my son fell into a coma. The doctor said if he doesn’t wake up soon his chances of a full recovery greatly decreases. An hour ago he opened his eyes and said a word I thought I’d never hear again, “Mommy.” MMT
- Today, I interviewed a woman who is terminally ill. “So,” I tried to delicately ask, “What is it like to wake up every morning and know that you are dying?” “Well,” she responded, “What is it like to wake up every morning and pretend that you are not?” MMT
- Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadn’t eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating. The first thing the man said was, “We can share it.” MMT
- Today, I told my mom that I feel like I’m failing with my alcoholism counseling and that I want to quit. Then she said my 8 year old brother told her, “I really like the new Elliot so much better.” MMT
- Today, I met an amazing guy at a local diner during the breakfast rush. He was sincere and handsome. We agreed to meet back at the diner for lunch, but he never showed up. I found out this evening from a mutual friend that he was in a fatal car accident on his lunch break two blocks away from the diner. MMT
- Today, for two hours I stood next to a 50 something year old, burly biker looking guy at a Lady Gaga concert while he sincerely sang his heart out. MMT
- Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me. He helped me all the way across campus to my class and as he was leaving he said, “I hope you feel better soon.” MMT
- Today, I lost my mom to cancer. My whole life I wanted to build an empire of wealth. And now that I’m relatively wealthy, all I want is my mom back. MMT
- Today, after telling my grandmother that I didn’t want to risk making such a huge mistake, she looked at me and said, “Looking back on it all, there are so many mistakes I wish I had had the courage to make when I was your age.” MMT
- Today, while everyone else was complaining about the overbooked flight, I smiled and joked with the gate agent about my willingness to sit in the belly of the plane with the luggage. 15 minutes later, the gate agent found me sitting in the gate area and hand delivered a first class ticket to me. She winked and said, “Thanks for being so patient. As you know, the coach cabin is full.” MMT
- Today, the evening news report forgot to mention that I was driving home from work five miles an hour below the posted speed limit and that he was an intoxicated drug addict with suicidal tendencies who deliberately jumped out in front of my vehicle. MMT
- Today at 3PM my wife checked herself into an alcoholic rehab clinic all by herself after our son showed her bruise marks and belt lash welts on his backside that she couldn’t even recall giving him. I don’t even know how I feel right now, angry at her or proud. My head is spinning, and it all MMT.
- Today, I swore to her that if she followed through with it, I’d do the same. And she slowly pointed the gun away from her forehead and toward the floor. Then she handed it to me and cried in my arms for almost three hours. MMT
- Today, a 12 year old boy died in a house fire near my neighborhood. After he pulled his mom to safety, he ran back into the burning house for his 5-month-old baby sister. MMT
- Today, my electric wheelchair broke down as I was rushing across campus to take a midterm exam. Two female joggers noticed I was stuck and asked if I needed assistance. When I explained my dilemma, they both pushed me simultaneously all the way to my class and got me there just in time. MMT
- Today, I was in line at the store behind a man holding a dozen roses. When he got up to the cashier’s counter, he realized that the cashier looked sad. The man smiled and said, “I’m buying 11 of these roses for my wife.” And then he handed the cashier the 12th rose. She smiled from ear to ear. MMT
- Today, I asked my 6 year old son what he wants to be when he grows up. He said, “Mommy, all I want to be is happy.” MMT
- Today, as I watched my 75 year old grandmother and grandfather being silly with each other and laughing in the kitchen, I felt like I got a short glimpse of what true love feels like. I hope I find it someday. MMT
- Today, we were supposed to meet in the park. But instead I met her in the hospital’s intensive care unit. And as I sat beside her bed and staring at her unconscious body hooked up to all the breathing equipment, I reached into my pocket, pulled out the diamond engagement ring, and cried. I’m still here waiting and hoping. MMT
- Today, when I told my 8 year old son that all of our dreams are within reach as long as we follow our heart and take action, he asked me if it was always my dream to be a waitress. MMT
- Today, after spending the last year working 60 hours a week in an attempt to give my family a more comfortable life, I forgot about my son’s 14th birthday. My son told me what the family really needs is more of me at home. MMT
- Today, I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor and given 3 to 6 months to live 10 minutes before the hospital realized they mixed up my biopsy results with the patient in the next room. MMT
- Today, as my son cried in my arms, he said, “What nobody realizes is that it’s torture. Every day of my life I wish I wasn’t gay.” MMT
- Today, my blind friend explained to me in vivid detail how beautiful his new girlfriend is. MMT
- Today, my mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. My best friend lives 2000 miles away and called to comfort me. While on the phone, he asked, “What would you do if I showed up at your house and gave you the biggest hug in the world?” “I would surely smile,” I replied. And then he rang my doorbell. MMT
- Today, the main girl who bullied me in high school came into my office apologizing and pleading for a job. I’m still thinking about it. MMT
- Today, I was stopped at a traffic light when a mid-aged homeless woman asked me for change. I usually I don’t give out dollars to the homeless because I assume they are going to buy booze. But I saw her 45 minutes later at 7/11 buying bread and peanut butter. She was so happy to see me. MMT
- Today, my sister told me a student of hers turned eight years old on Friday. When I realized he was born on September 11, 2001, I said, “How horrible for his family.” My sister explained that his grandfather worked at the Pentagon and skipped work that day upon learning his daughter was in labor. MMT
- Today, I was driving to a job interview when I saw a businesswoman standing next to her BMW on the side of the road. She had a flat tire. I pulled over and helped her put on the spare. When I arrived to the interview, the woman who I helped ended up being the CEO of the company. I got the job. MMT
- Today at the Atlanta airport, as I walked off a plane dressed in my Army uniform, a little girl grabbed my hand and asked me if I would be going back overseas soon. I told her I would be in 6 weeks. She smiled and said, “Can you please tell my daddy that I love him. My mommy told me he’s never coming home from over there.” MMT
- Today, I waited on an elderly woman at the local restaurant where I work. She left me a $90 tip on a $10 tab with a handwritten note that said, “I’m 86 and I can’t take this money with me. So please spoil yourself with it.” MMT
- Today, I met an elderly man at a bar in Miami. When I asked him if he was vacationing, he handed me a photo from his wallet and said, “Today would be our 50th anniversary. And although she’s been gone 10 years now, this bar still reminds me of her smile - when we shared our first laugh here so many moons ago.” MMT
- Today, another cancer patient of mine cried and begged me to let her die. MMT
- Today, my father told me, “Just go for it and give it a try! You don’t have to be a professional to build a successful product. Amateurs started Google and Apple. Professionals built the Titanic.” MMT
- Today, as soon as my 5-year-old baby brother came into my room, I yelled at him to get out without even looking up at him. When he didn’t listen and I turned around to yell again, I noticed he had a bowl of cherries (my favorite) in his hands. He said, “Sorry, I just wanted to share these with you.” MMT
- Today, when I got home from dropping you off at the airport, I sat at our kitchen table and stared down at my wedding ring and then up at the photo of my dad hanging on our refrigerator, and then I cried. I just hope the war doesn’t take you away from me too. MMT
- Today, after spending the last 3 years viciously bickering with the college kid who lives next door, I found myself crying in his arms and thanking him repeatedly for saving my son’s life. MMT
- Today at the diner where I work, an elderly couple came in for the 4th time this week and requested my table. I asked them what kept them coming back. They told me that I reminded them of their granddaughter who passed away 6 years ago. Then they told me her name. She was my best friend at the time. MMT
- Today, my dad told me and my little sister that we might lose our house. I was sad, angry, worried and stressed. My 14 yr old sister asked me what’s wrong. When I told her, she said, “It’s just a house. I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together.” MMT
- Today, I read countless articles about the slain soldiers at Fort Hood. And it occurred to me that if these soldiers had been deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq and died there, their deaths wouldn’t have made the front page of the newspaper. MMT
- Today, I was walking past a group of homeless men who live near my complex. A cab pulled up next to the men and the driver opened up the rear door and pulled out two huge grocery bags full of food. He set them down next to the group of men, got in his cab and drove off without saying a word. MMT
- Today, for the four hours he was breathing, his father and I loved him for a lifetime. MMT
- Today, as I watched my oldest daughter graduate at the top of her class from Harvard Medical School, my wife reminded me that we had her when we were only seventeen. MMT
- Today, I stopped to chat with the office janitor like I do every Monday morning on my way into work. And at the end of our conversation he grinned and said, “You know, you’re the only one who ever stops to talk to me around here, and you’re the President and CEO.” MMT
- Today, exactly twenty years ago to the hour, I risked my life to save a woman who was drowning in the rapids of the Colorado River. And that’s how I met my wife - the love of my life. MMT
- Today, I’m in Iraq on my third tour of duty fighting for a cause I no longer believe in. And I want to go home. But ever since I caught my wife having an affair 6 months ago, I’m not sure I know where home is anymore. MMT
- Today, as I stared down blankly at the $750,000 life insurance check, I couldn’t help but wish it had been me instead. MMT
- Today, my wife checked herself into an alcohol rehab clinic after she glanced up at me while she was eating her breakfast and asked how I got a black eye and fingernail scratches all over my face. MMT
- Today I found out that my high school friend I’d been meaning to get in touch with for the last year died last week. MMT
- Today, I asked my mentor – a very successful business man in his 70’s – what his top 3 tips are for success. He smiled and said, “Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do something no one else is doing.” MMT
- Today, after spending the last ten years serving liquor to alcoholics all day every day I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted. I’ve concluded that I am, in fact, a failure, even though all my friends call me a successful business owner. MMT
- Today, as my grandfather (a military doctor, war hero, and successful business owner) rested in his hospice bed, I asked him what his greatest life accomplishment was. He turned around, grabbed my grandmother’s hand, looked her in the eyes, and said, “Growing old with you.” MMT
- Today, it’s just the six of us. One was raped when she was fourteen. Three come from abusive households. Two were orphans. Like me, one spent almost two straight years in a psychiatric facility as a kid. But I wouldn’t trade a single one of them for all the perfect friends in the universe. MMT
- Today, I was walking home from work in the pouring rain without an umbrella. I was walking just behind an elderly man who had an umbrella. As we both passed under the overhang to an apartment building, he stopped, turned around and handed me the umbrella. He said, “This is my stop and you look like you need an umbrella. Pass it along someday when the opportunity arises.” MMT
- Today, my friend told me she didn’t mind being legally blind, with only 12% of her vision. She said, “After it rains there’s usually a dew left on the grass. And because of the way my eyes refract the light, I see rainbows in the grass.” MMT
- Today, at a neighborhood BBQ my neighbor’s son - a 25 year old Marine – dropped to the floor and started crying when one of the other guests lit off a round of firecrackers. MMT
- Today, the teenager I scream at almost every day for driving too fast in the neighborhood because it worries me that he’s going to run over my kids, ran across the street from his driveway to ours and grabbed my son off of his tricycle in the middle of the street just before a swerving drunk driver ran over my son’s tricycle and kept going. MMT
- Today, I was in an accident that left me with a gash on my forehead. The doctors wrapped a bandage around my head and said I have to keep it on all week. I hate wearing it. Two minutes ago my little brother walked into my room wearing a bandage on his head. My mom said he insisted that he didn’t want me to feel alone. MMT
- Today, when I tapped the side of my wheelchair and told my husband, “You’re the only reason I want to be free from this contraption,” he kissed me on my forehead and said, “Honey, I don’t even see that thing.” MMT
- Today, I was jogging in Central Park when this lady started screaming for help. Her husband was having a heart attack. I ran over and checked his pulse. He didn’t have one. I gave him CPR and got his heart beating before the paramedics arrived. I’ve done some bad things in my life, but today I saved a life. MMT
- Today, I met a powerful businessman who is worth 100 million dollars. In conversation he told me he regretted never making it to his son’s hockey games or his daughter’s dance recitals. It made me smile because my dad is probably only worth as much as this man’s last paycheck, but he made it to everything. MMT
- Today, at the food court in the mall, a beautiful girl about my age came up to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes. Once she calmed down, I realized that I had pulled her out of a bathtub a month earlier, her wrists covered in slashes. I am an EMT, and her gesture of appreciation MMT.
- Today, my fiancé was in a head-on collision car accident. He is currently in a coma. And all I can think about is the argument we had this morning. I screamed at him for screaming at me. It was a petty argument. But if he could scream now, I wouldn’t say a word. I’d just listen to the sound of his voice. MMT
- Today, I have two twin boys in my kindergarten class. I have heard from other parents that they come from a very broken home in which their mother is in and out of rehab and their father is always away on business. But their 16 year old sister never fails to get them to school on time or pack them a healthy bagged lunch with a smiley face on it. MMT
- Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I’m working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, “Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile.” MMT
marți, 29 noiembrie 2011
vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011
ce este iubirea?...
Iubirea e un sărut furat, un zâmbet inocent, o îmbrăţişare pătimaşă... şi un suflet smuls din piept... Octavian Paler
luni, 21 noiembrie 2011
une lettre d'amour
Une lettre d'amour que toute fille voudrait recevoir un jour...C'est un vrai mec qui a écrit la lettre, ce n'est pas mon invention. Cela la fait d'autant plus mignonne!
Je t’adresse cette lettre afin de t’exprimer combien je t’aime. Depuis que tu es arrivée dans ma vie, je ne suis plus que l’esclave de tes sourires. Je ne suis peut-être pas le prince charmant de tes rêves mais je voudrais que tu me laisses la possibilité de conquérir ton cœur et de me permettre de t’aimer.
Je ne saurais plus vivre sans toi, ton parfum, ton image et tout ton être font partie de moi.
Quand je regarde notre histoire c’est le reflet de notre vie que j’y vois. Il y a en toi une partie de mes rêves et j’aimerais y construire avec toi la maison de notre amour. Près d’une cascade de bisous et d’un torrent de passion entre plusieurs montagnes de caresse et l’éternité pour le contempler.
Je souhaite que ces quelques lignes que j’ai écrites avec la pointe de mon cœur sauront déposer entre les lignes de ta vie un je t’aime graver à l’encre d’or. Je t’aime.
joi, 17 noiembrie 2011
joi, 10 noiembrie 2011
Tai fiecare bucata ca si cand as taia felii mari de tristete...Gustul amar imi invadeaza fiinta si nu ma pot lupta cu durerea. Senzatia de dependenta iese la suprafata cu fiecare bataie a inimii, aducandu-mi aminte ca fara tine de-abia respir. Nu-ti mai pot sorbi zambetul din cafeaua de dimineata, a ramas doar zat negru pe fundul cestii. Imi amintesc ca acum o noapte te-am visat pe un vapor. Si ceasul a stat. Sufletul meu va muri de foame, pentru ca ti-ai pus in bagaje toata hrana din casa. Nici bilet de adio n-ai lasat, mi-ar fi ramas totusi ceva de la tine - cateva litere negre scrijelite pe un colt de foaie. A venit toamna pe trupul meu si ochii vad deja moartea sub nameti.
miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011
Tinerii de Nichita Stănescu
Se saruta, ah, se saruta, se saruta
tinerii pe strazi, în bistrouri, pe parapete,
se saruta intruna ca si cum ei insisi
n-ar fi decât niste terminatii
ale sarutului.
Se saruta, ah, se saruta printre masinile-n goana,
în statiile de metrou, în cinematografe,
în autobuze, se saruta cu disperare,
cu violenta, ca si cum
la capatul sarutului, la sfirsitul sarutului, dupa sarut
n-ar urma decât batrinetea proscrisa
si moartea.
Se saruta, ah, se saruta tinerii subtiri
si indragostiti, Atât de subtiri, ca si cum
ar ignora existenta piinii pe lume.
Atât de indragostiti, ca si cum, ca si cum
ar ignora existenta insasi a lumii.
Se saruta, ah, se saruta ca si cum ar fi
în intuneric, în intunericul cel mai sigur,
ca si cum nu i-ar vedea nimeni,ca si cum
soarele ar urma să rasara
dupa ce gurile rupte de sarut si-nsingerate
n-ar mai fi în stare să se sarute
decât cu dintii.
duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011
Din teama de a nu te pierde sau a te speria, ti-am ascuns pana azi ce as fi vrut sa-ti spun de cateva luni. Tu esti barbatul vietii mele, acel barbat pentru care as pierde tot si as lua-o de la capat fara temeri, acel barbat pe care l-as iubi mai presus decat propria-mi viata si caruia i-as darui tot. Nu stiu de ce o fac acum, dar stiu ca si in ziua in care nu te voi mai avea langa mine, nu voi fi singura, pentru ca te voi purta in suflet pana la sfarsit. Voi sti ca am iubit acel suflet perfect pentru mine si asta imi va fi de ajuns.
Tu esti cel caruia i-as dedica toate poeziile si cantecele de dragoste vreodata scrise si compuse in lume. Tu esti cel care imi face zilele mai frumoase si mai luminoase. Tu esti cel mai veridic si mai frumos om caruia i-am daruit inima mea. Te iubesc pentru tot ce esti si pentru tot ce semnifici in viata mea! Te iubesc pentru ca ma descrii in mii de nuante si pentru ca fiecare zi langa tine e altfel. Te iubesc pentru ca ma faci sa zambesc chiar si atunci cand sunt suparata pe tine. Si-ti promit sa nu te scot niciodata din sufletul meu!
Tu esti cel caruia i-as dedica toate poeziile si cantecele de dragoste vreodata scrise si compuse in lume. Tu esti cel care imi face zilele mai frumoase si mai luminoase. Tu esti cel mai veridic si mai frumos om caruia i-am daruit inima mea. Te iubesc pentru tot ce esti si pentru tot ce semnifici in viata mea! Te iubesc pentru ca ma descrii in mii de nuante si pentru ca fiecare zi langa tine e altfel. Te iubesc pentru ca ma faci sa zambesc chiar si atunci cand sunt suparata pe tine. Si-ti promit sa nu te scot niciodata din sufletul meu!
vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011
suntem doi
Isi ascundea privirea pentru ca el sa nu banuiasca cat de mult il adora. O dureau ochii de plans si i-a inchis pentru o secunda...o eternitate s-a deschis in mintea ei. Cum ar fi daca l-ar pierde? Ce alt altar al credintei si-ar mai construi? Viata ei nu mai era a ei, ci a lui. I-o inchinase ca unui dumnezeu. Ii daruise libertatea gandurilor si frumusetea poeziei sufletului si nu astepta nimic. I se parea ireala o dragoste atat de mare si nu stia daca se putea ridica la inaltimea ei. Credea cu nesabuinta...
Il privea pe ascuns si sufletul ii tresarea la fiecare gest de-al lui. Vedea in el barbatul rege, barbatul leu, omul care i-ar fi alaturi in orice situatie. Dar nu putea sa-i recunoasca asta, destainuirea ar fi prea greu de suportat. Are prea multe cicatrici, si inca o rana poate nu s-ar mai vindeca niciodata si ar aluneca in taramul viselor...
Deschise ochii...el era acolo la fel de luminos, de vorbaret si de viu! Privirea lui sfredelitoare parca o intreba "Unde ai fost, iubita mea? Pe ce taramuri ale nesigurantei? Nu te mai du acolo, pentru ca eu sunt aici si nu plec nicaieri."
Ii era frica si-i spuse, fara sa-i explice de unde se nastea sentimentul ei. "Sa nu-ti fie!", spuse el. "Suntem doi".
Il privea pe ascuns si sufletul ii tresarea la fiecare gest de-al lui. Vedea in el barbatul rege, barbatul leu, omul care i-ar fi alaturi in orice situatie. Dar nu putea sa-i recunoasca asta, destainuirea ar fi prea greu de suportat. Are prea multe cicatrici, si inca o rana poate nu s-ar mai vindeca niciodata si ar aluneca in taramul viselor...
Deschise ochii...el era acolo la fel de luminos, de vorbaret si de viu! Privirea lui sfredelitoare parca o intreba "Unde ai fost, iubita mea? Pe ce taramuri ale nesigurantei? Nu te mai du acolo, pentru ca eu sunt aici si nu plec nicaieri."
Ii era frica si-i spuse, fara sa-i explice de unde se nastea sentimentul ei. "Sa nu-ti fie!", spuse el. "Suntem doi".
miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011
marți, 25 octombrie 2011
Nu credeam sa-nvat ... de Geo Bogza
Fara frumusetea ta, frumusetea lumii e scrum si cenusa,
Fara bratele tale, bratul oricui e pentru mine lat de spanzuratoare
Traiesc numai ca sa masor, in fiece clipa, neindurarea mortii.
Fara ochii tai, ochii mei nu vad decat intuneric,
Nimic nu mai are glas, stinsa e orice lumina.
Ce grea e moartea intr-un univers care el insusi moare.
Fara numele tau, numele meu se numeste neantul,
Vanat urca din adanc valul marii, urlandu-si disperarea.
Fara frumusetea ta, frumusetea lumii e scrum si cenusa.
vineri, 21 octombrie 2011
joi, 20 octombrie 2011
Tu esti singura alegere!
miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011
vineri, 14 octombrie 2011
marți, 4 octombrie 2011
Amândoi de Corneliu Serban
Minunea noastra simpla e ca iubim mereu
cu tainica uimire traita-ntaia oara;
ca ne aflam alaturi la bine si la greu,
senini cand zarea poate si pentru noi sa moara.
Minunea noastra simpla e darul de a sti
ce-i dor, si ce-i tristete si ce-i singuratate -
Minunea noastra simpla e c-am ramas copii
si ca la fel ramanem cat inima ne bate.
sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011
marți, 27 septembrie 2011
Mi-e frica...
Tu nu ai nevoie de imbratisari ca sa fii in cuplu, tu ai nevoie de recunoasterea iubirii. Cu cat egoism imi ceri sa-ti marturisesc cele mai ascunse trairi ale mele doar ca tu sa fii sigur ca nu voi pleca! Caut cu disperare acea farama de libertate in doi si nu gasesc nimic dincolo de tine. Am devenit atat de dependenta incat intru in sevraj cand nu imi esti alaturi. Cum era viata mea inainte? Nici eu nu mai stiu...nici nu vreau sa-mi amintesc. Ai intrat la mine in suflet, ai rascolit peste tot, ai adus soarele, ai mangaiat toate ranile si ai sters toate lacrimile, mi-ai devenit cel mai bun prieten si acum cand nu mai esti imi spui sa zambesc in fiecare zi? Cu ce drept?
Imi pare rau...cateodata am uitat ca am promis ca voi lupta si m-a invins tristetea...ti-am reprosat ca nu esti langa mine, desi stiam ca eram in gandurile si sufletul tau. Chiar daca a durut pana la epuizare si am luptat cu ganduri negre, am reusit sa te pastrez in acelasi colt de suflet. Iarta-ma pentru lacrimi si reprosuri, pentru ca sunt femeie si nu am crezut cu toata inima ca va fi bine!
Sunt ingrozita pentru ca sunt bolnava de tine. Esti pretutindeni. Te vad in toti barbatii. Te simt in orice adiere. Te intuiesc si te inchipui in toate lucrurile frumoase care imi atrag privirea. Tu esti inceputul si sfarsitul fiecarei zile. Tu esti zambetul meu si bucuria de a fi. Tu esti totul. Lumea mea s-ar opri fara tine. Mi-e frica...
Imi pare rau...cateodata am uitat ca am promis ca voi lupta si m-a invins tristetea...ti-am reprosat ca nu esti langa mine, desi stiam ca eram in gandurile si sufletul tau. Chiar daca a durut pana la epuizare si am luptat cu ganduri negre, am reusit sa te pastrez in acelasi colt de suflet. Iarta-ma pentru lacrimi si reprosuri, pentru ca sunt femeie si nu am crezut cu toata inima ca va fi bine!
Sunt ingrozita pentru ca sunt bolnava de tine. Esti pretutindeni. Te vad in toti barbatii. Te simt in orice adiere. Te intuiesc si te inchipui in toate lucrurile frumoase care imi atrag privirea. Tu esti inceputul si sfarsitul fiecarei zile. Tu esti zambetul meu si bucuria de a fi. Tu esti totul. Lumea mea s-ar opri fara tine. Mi-e frica...
luni, 26 septembrie 2011
Dragoste de Edith Södergran
Sufletul meu era o rochie albastru-deschis de culoarea cerului;
am lasat-o pe-o stanca, pe tarm,
si am venit la tine, goala ca o femeie.
Si ca o femeie m-am asezat la masa ta,
am baut vin cu tine si am sorbit din parfumul de roze.
M-ai gasit frumoasa, mi-ai spus ca m-asemuiam
unei fiinte vazute in vis,
am uitat totul, am uitat copilaria, caminul,
nu-ti stiam decat mangaierile ce ma tineau prizoniera.
Si tu ai luat surîzînd o oglinda si m-ai rugat:
priveste-te-n ea!
Am vazut ca umerii mei erau facuti din pulbere
si cadeau în pulbere,
am vazut ca frumusetea mi-era bolnava si nu voia
decît sa dispara,
O, strînge-ma tare în brate, atît de tare încît sa
nu-mi mai trebuie nimic altceva.
am lasat-o pe-o stanca, pe tarm,
si am venit la tine, goala ca o femeie.
Si ca o femeie m-am asezat la masa ta,
am baut vin cu tine si am sorbit din parfumul de roze.
M-ai gasit frumoasa, mi-ai spus ca m-asemuiam
unei fiinte vazute in vis,
am uitat totul, am uitat copilaria, caminul,
nu-ti stiam decat mangaierile ce ma tineau prizoniera.
Si tu ai luat surîzînd o oglinda si m-ai rugat:
priveste-te-n ea!
Am vazut ca umerii mei erau facuti din pulbere
si cadeau în pulbere,
am vazut ca frumusetea mi-era bolnava si nu voia
decît sa dispara,
O, strînge-ma tare în brate, atît de tare încît sa
nu-mi mai trebuie nimic altceva.
marți, 20 septembrie 2011
mon ange
mon ange noir
mon ange blanc
mon ange de bonheur
mon ange venu d'ailleurs
ma moitié d'âme...
C'est toi
Le gardien de mon amour
Serre tes ailes
Et ne t'envole plus jamais!
Ta beauté irréelle m'étonne
Repose tes lèvres sur les miennes
Et deviens mon ombre!
mon ange blanc
mon ange de bonheur
mon ange venu d'ailleurs
ma moitié d'âme...
C'est toi
Le gardien de mon amour
Serre tes ailes
Et ne t'envole plus jamais!
Ta beauté irréelle m'étonne
Repose tes lèvres sur les miennes
Et deviens mon ombre!
joi, 15 septembrie 2011
Reflex 110 de George Ţărnea
E prea puţin ce pot mărturisi,
Dacă-ai fugi şi nu te-aş mai găsi,
Dar, ca să afli totul, nu e greu;
Ascultă-mă cu sufletul, mereu,
Lăsându-mă să cred că nu mai vrei
Să te desprinzi cumva din ochii mei
Şi-ai să înţelegi cât frig s-ar întâmpla
Dac-ai fugi şi nu te-aş mai afla...
luni, 12 septembrie 2011
doi nu se naste fara iubire...
Cum ar fi sa strigi in zare numele lui si sa nu-ti raspunda nimeni? "Am nevoie de tine, mi-e frica si sunt singura" si sa-ti raspunda ecoul "singura, singura, singura"...Exista tristete mai mare? Am mers cand ar fi trebuit sa fug si...fug cand ar trebui sa doi. Fug singura cand ar trebui sa ma indrept incet spre iubire. De ce acest "am nevoie de tine" ma sperie atat de rau? Pentru ca e o recunoastere implicita a faptului ca sunt femeie si ca sunt vulnerabila, ca iubesc si ca am nevoie de cineva pentru a ma simti implinita? Si totusi...fug. Ma intorc cateodata spasita, cerandu-mi iertare pentru absenta si asezandu-ma din nou in doi-ul acela prea rotund. Mi-e frica de azi si mi-e frica de inca o noapte fara el...obosesc adormind singura. Si totusi ma trezesc...o iau de la capat...mintindu-ma ca-mi ajunge glasul lui de dimineata, de pranz si de seara. Cata mine putea scrie chiar o scrisoare de dragoste si de dor pe care sa mi-o trimit singura ca sa ma asigur ca nu m-a uitat si ca nu sunt doar jumatate din doi. "In aritmetica iubirii, unu plus unu fac totul, pe cand doi minus unu este egal cu zero". Atunci eu unde ma situez? Dar tu...unde esti? De care parte a inimii? Sigur nu de cea cu "am nevoie de tine...sunt singur"! Vezi, ti-am raspuns la toate intrebarile...acesta este motivul pentru care fug...tie nu ti-e frica fara mine, tu nu esti singur si nici nu ai nevoie de cineva ca sa fii fericit. In lumea mea, iubirea e totul si doi nu se naste fara iubire. Uita-ma! Plec...
joi, 8 septembrie 2011
vis de toamna...
M-am gandit de multe ori la momentul acela in care i-am auzit pentru prima oara numele. Zua mi-am amintit-o usor, era 19 octombrie si ploua. Am reconstituit-o pana in cele mai mici detalii. Imi pare rau totusi ca nu stiu exact ora, minutul si secunda cand ni s-au intalnit privirile. Sunt intamplari in viata mea care la prima vedere nu au mare importanta si nu realizez ca sunt tocmai acele momente care au impact mai mare decat data propriei mele nastere, sau chiar decat nestiuta secunda a mortii. Se intampla des sa nu fim atenti la clipele cand pasim cu talpa piciorului firul acela invizibil care ne imparte viata in doua jumatati perfect diferite. Imi vine in minte mana lui care imi mangaie parul. Ma pierd intr-o imbratisare lunga si ma lasa sa-mi cuibareasc fericirea langa a lui...Iubirea noastra inca n-a coborat din vis...
marți, 6 septembrie 2011
thank u for 10 months of happiness
never been so happy in my life!
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.Marcel Proust
vineri, 2 septembrie 2011
miercuri, 31 august 2011
Gând 6 de Nichita Stănescu
Singurele lucruri reale, singurele lucruri pe care le
ducem cu noi până la urmă sunt propriile noastre
sentimente, dragostele noastre, patemile noastre,
urile şi adversităţile noastre. Mă-ntreb: noi, la
capătul vieţii noastre, ce-am lăsa în afară?
Bănuiesc că putem lăsa nişte sentimente. Mai
puţin de ură, întrucâtva de patemi dar... de
dragoste mai ales.
luni, 29 august 2011
cea plecata...
A lasat un bilet pe masa si a pus cana de cafea peste. A scrijelit repede cateva cuvinte si a plecat in fuga. Si-a uitat cerceii de la el pe biblioteca. Doua ore mai tarziu, cand s-a trezit a gasit dezastrul scris si a impietrit: "Ingaduie-mi libertatea de a nu te mai iubi". Atat. Dupa fulgere si soare, dupa certuri si impacari, dupa nopti de discutii, ea a ales un alt destin, cel in care el nu-i va mai ocroti fiecare pas.
Unde te duci, iubita mea? Esti sigura ca vrei sa traiesti fara mine? Spre ceea ce te indrepti merita mai mult decat iubirea noastra? Niciun raspuns...doar un mare gol si tristete. Va regreta toata viata ca nu i-a spus ca e cea mai speciala persoana din viata lui si ca a lasat-o sa plece prea usor. Dragostea va avea pentru el gustul mortii...
Unde te duci, iubita mea? Esti sigura ca vrei sa traiesti fara mine? Spre ceea ce te indrepti merita mai mult decat iubirea noastra? Niciun raspuns...doar un mare gol si tristete. Va regreta toata viata ca nu i-a spus ca e cea mai speciala persoana din viata lui si ca a lasat-o sa plece prea usor. Dragostea va avea pentru el gustul mortii...
femeia care te iubeste nu mai trebuie cucerita
Nu-mi mai amintesc unde am citit sau am auzit "femeia care te iubeste nu mai trebuie cucerita", dar stiu ca prima reactie a fost "ce prostie nemarginita! numai un barbat putea sa gandeasca asa ceva!". E ca si cum ai spune ca o data ce ai cucerit o femeie, ea va sta langa tine toata viata, iubindu-te neconditionat. Mi se pare ca este exact invers - pentro o femeie trebuie sa lupti mai mult, o data ce ai reusit s-o cuceresti. Da! ea iti ofera dragostea ei, dar trebuie sa o cuceresti zilnic prin felul tau de a fi pentru a ramane langa tine. Un barbat nu poate fi galant numai la inceputul relatiei si apoi sa uite ca ea simte aceeasi nevoie de a primi flori sau de a fi scoasa in oras la restaurant (sunt doua exemple clasice, puteam sa dau exemplu oricare alt moft femeiesc). De ce la inceput se poate si apoi trebuie sa gatim acasa? Doar pentru ca ea e deja cucerita? Ca o cetate romana? Nu stiu daca e prostie sau naivitate...Cei mai multi barbati uita ca femeia de langa ei vrea sa se simta frumoasa si admirata chiar daca este intr-o relatie. De ce trebuie tinute in casa? Sa nu fie furata de altcineva? Pai asta e cea mai sigura metoda de a o fie incuiata in bucatarie. Ea va face tot posibilul sa iasa de acolo si cand gaseste cheia nu se va mai intoarce.
Din pacate, am vazut multe relatii destramandu-se, dar de cele mai multe ori am observat ca ea este cea care se lupta mai mult, tocmai pentru ca el isi facuse deja treaba, o cucerise...De aici pana la despartire nu mai e decat un pas, care tine o luna, zece, un an, doi. Depinde de puterea de resemnare a femeii si de rabdarea cu care asteapta in fiecare zi un "te iubesc", "esti frumoasa" sau "iti multumesc ca esti langa mine". Nu de iesiri au nevoie femeile, ci de recunoastere. Nu de bani, ci de prezenta, nu de liniste, ci de pasiune. Si daca nu sunt cucerite zilnic, vor pleca, pentru ca se vor simti urate si nedorite de cei care isi mimeaza sentimentele pentru ele.
Din pacate, am vazut multe relatii destramandu-se, dar de cele mai multe ori am observat ca ea este cea care se lupta mai mult, tocmai pentru ca el isi facuse deja treaba, o cucerise...De aici pana la despartire nu mai e decat un pas, care tine o luna, zece, un an, doi. Depinde de puterea de resemnare a femeii si de rabdarea cu care asteapta in fiecare zi un "te iubesc", "esti frumoasa" sau "iti multumesc ca esti langa mine". Nu de iesiri au nevoie femeile, ci de recunoastere. Nu de bani, ci de prezenta, nu de liniste, ci de pasiune. Si daca nu sunt cucerite zilnic, vor pleca, pentru ca se vor simti urate si nedorite de cei care isi mimeaza sentimentele pentru ele.
exclusivitate sau toleranta?
Exista cupluri, aud din ce in ce mai des povesti printre prieteni, care isi tolereaza anumite escapade amoroase de dragul diversitatii si speriate de rutina inevitabila. Escapade hulite de alte perechi care nici nu-si inchipuie iubirea altfel decat exclusiva. Pentru care, impartirea partenerului de viata cu altcineva ar fi o scena dintr-un film horror, nu unul porno. Si totusi, exista oameni sanatosi, as spune eu, care stiu sa se iubeasca separat de a face sex cu altcineva. Care isi impart viata in doi, dar patul in trei. Femei inteligente care au inteles ca barbatii lor au o nevoie cronica de a cunoaste pe cineva nou si asta nu pentru ca nu mai sunt indragostiti de ele. Toate ar trebui sa realizam asta in viata si sa le acordam libertatea unui "menage à trois"sau oricarei alte curiozitate, tocmai pentru a fi apreciate si mai mult.
O buna prietena mi-a povestit de curand cum si-a lasat iubitul sa incerce o domnisoara din renumitul cartier olandez. A vrut sa si auda povestea in detalii si asta nu i-a afectat deloc imaginea pe care o avea despre cel pe care il iubeste. Ea a inteles curiozitatea barbatului ei, si mai presus de orice, a realizat ca oricum el ar fi facut-o cu sau fara aprobarea ei. I-a ingaduit sa incerce si a castigat un punct in plus. El si-a dat seama cat e de speciala si cat de mult o iubeste, tocmai pentru ca s-a simtit inteles si nu a trebuit sa minta. Ea i-a ingaduit sa se intoarca acasa fara mustrari de constiinta...ce usurare pentru el!
Stiu ca multe snoabe ma vor critica pentru randurile acestea, dar eu le felicit pe acele femei care au curajul sa-si priveasca barbatul facand sex cu alta. Stiu ca doar ele fac dragoste cu ei si exclusivitatea asta le este de ajuns. Toleranta lor nu este infinita si nici ei nu vor cere mai mult de atat. Pana la urma cine defineste normalitatea? Noi, fiecare cuplu isi accepta propria normalitate, chiar daca asta inseamna in unele cazuri si un al treilea partener/ o a treia persoana...
O buna prietena mi-a povestit de curand cum si-a lasat iubitul sa incerce o domnisoara din renumitul cartier olandez. A vrut sa si auda povestea in detalii si asta nu i-a afectat deloc imaginea pe care o avea despre cel pe care il iubeste. Ea a inteles curiozitatea barbatului ei, si mai presus de orice, a realizat ca oricum el ar fi facut-o cu sau fara aprobarea ei. I-a ingaduit sa incerce si a castigat un punct in plus. El si-a dat seama cat e de speciala si cat de mult o iubeste, tocmai pentru ca s-a simtit inteles si nu a trebuit sa minta. Ea i-a ingaduit sa se intoarca acasa fara mustrari de constiinta...ce usurare pentru el!
Stiu ca multe snoabe ma vor critica pentru randurile acestea, dar eu le felicit pe acele femei care au curajul sa-si priveasca barbatul facand sex cu alta. Stiu ca doar ele fac dragoste cu ei si exclusivitatea asta le este de ajuns. Toleranta lor nu este infinita si nici ei nu vor cere mai mult de atat. Pana la urma cine defineste normalitatea? Noi, fiecare cuplu isi accepta propria normalitate, chiar daca asta inseamna in unele cazuri si un al treilea partener/ o a treia persoana...
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